The Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques (JEP) publishes, in English or French, original research articles. It aims at reaching the best level, when compared to international mathematical journals, in all domains of applied and fundamental mathematics.
It was launched in 2013 and is meant as a continuation of the Journal de l’École polytechnique, one of the oldest French scientific journals (1795–1939), which published articles in mathematics as well as in mechanics and in physics. Famous French mathematicians, as for example Appell, Catalan, Chasles, Cauchy, Fourier, Hermite, Hugoniot, Jordan, Lagrange, Laplace, P. Lévy, Liouville, S. Mandelbrojt, Monge, Painlevé, Picard, Poincaré, Poisson, Rouché, Saint Venant, signed articles in this journal. On the occasion of its centenary issue, in 1895, the journal published the fundamental paper “Analysis Situs” by Poincaré.
The pdf and TeX version of the accepted articles are available online as soon as the copyediting is achieved. A printed volume is published at the end of each year.
Access policy
https://www.tib.eu/en/services/koalaJEP provides immediate online open access to its content. JEP adheres to the principles of Fair Open Access, is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and is a member of the Free Journal Network. JEP follows a true Open Access policy:
- No subscription is needed to access the articles, and no download fees are charged. Please, consult the section Legal Notice for legal statements and copyright policy.
- Authors are not charged for publication in this journal, and the journal does not request any submission fee nor any article processing fee.
- A printed volume is published yearly and sold at a reasonable cost by the Éditions de l’École polytechnique.
This Open Access policy is made possible due to the support of various Institutions: École polytechnique, CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes, and for 2025-2027, the KOALA Project.
Copyright and Licensing policy
- All copyright is retained by authors: there is no exclusive transfer of exploitation rights ("copyright transfer") to the JEP.
- Starting from 2019, all content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Before 2019, all content is protected by the Creative Commons license BY-ND 3.0.
- JEP allows and encourages authors to deposit their publication (all versions of it, including the published version) in an open archive, an open institutional repository, or on an institution's open site, with the agreement of their co-authors, without embargo, and provided that they indicate the url of the original article. They may enter into additional, separate contractual agreements for non-exclusive dissemination of the version of their publication provided that it is accompanied by a statement acknowledging its original publication in JEP.
Best practices
JEP adheres to the Code of practice, as detailed in the document edited by the European Mathematical Society Ethics Committee and the associated links.
For the submission of an article, please consult the section Instruction for Authors or login to the editorial web page of the Journal de l’École polytechnique
The Journal de l’École polytechnique has been published from 1795 to 1939 by the "Conseil d’instruction de cet établissement" and changed its title four times before being known as Journal de l’École polytechnique from 1870 to 1939:
- Journal polytechnique ou Bulletin du travail fait à l’École centrale des travaux publics, 1er cahier (an 3, germinal)
- Journal de l’École polytechnique ou Bulletin du travail fait à cette École, 2e cahier (an 3, floréal/prairial)-6e cahier (an 7, thermidor)
- Journal de l’École royale polytechnique, 18e cahier (1820, janv.)-31e cahier (1847)
- Journal de l’École impériale polytechnique, 35e cahier (1853)-43e cahier (1870).
It is irregularly published from 1795 to 1823 ; then yearly (irregular) from 1831 to 1935 ; and quarterly from 1937 to 1939. The archive of the Journal de l’École polytechnique is accessible online with Gallica.
This journal, previously hosted by Cedram, is now web-published by the Centre Mersenne.
In 2019, Cedram has become the Centre Mersenne for open scientific publishing, a publishing platform for scientific journals developed by Mathdoc.